10 Aromatic Pleasures
I don't normally bother with 'tags' from others (not that I get many, any really), but I thought this one was fun. Plus, I love Zoanna, the person who tagged me, and don't want to offend her. :) Just kidding, Zo!
Reading others' ideas of what smells good to them and why made me realize that our sense of smell is something for which to give thanks to God. I guess it's one of those things that we may take for granted, at least I do. Without it, though, think of all the simple pleasures, memories and nostalgic moments we'd miss out on. So, thanks God for my sense of smell.
Now, in no particular order, here are my top 10 aromatic pleasures:
1. My husband's deodorant. I know it might sound funny, but neither of us are really into colognes or perfumes. But, my husband's deodorant reminds me just of him, no other. When he's gone on business trips, sometimes I'll get out a t-shirt of his that hasn't yet been washed and smell the armpits just to feel closer to him. I know I totally grossed out a few of you with that bit of information, but my husband rarely gets BO. His deodorant really must work well because even a dirty shirt doesn't smell bad. For those of you who don't know, my husband is a CPA, crunching numbers all day, not anything that really makes him break out in a sweat (unless the bottom line doesn't add up, of course).
2. My boys' breaths. And, I'm NOT talking about when they're breast feeding babies. I think that breath reeks. Sorry, Bethany! I don't know why I love it, but I do. I love to get right up in their faces and just smell them. I'm sure it wouldn't be a smell that is distinguishable or enjoyable by anyone else than me. It's especially good (strong) when they first wake up from a nap.
Those two are probably the strangest; the rest will prove I'm not completely a weirdo.
3. Bonfires.
4. Coffee shops, particularly Dunkin Donuts, as they've got the best combination of coffee and donuts/pastries baking. I love walking into the shop and smelling, but I HATE the smell it leaves on you when you leave. Strange, huh?!
5. The morning smell on a crisp autumn day in the mountains, particularly if you're at camp or on a retreat.
6. Anything baking at my mom's house. My mom is an amazing cook and baker. She typically has something yummy in the oven or already baked when we go home to see her. Her bread and sticky buns in particular are super yummy!!
7. A summertime grill.
8. Anything having to do with Kate Britton. She's one of the biggest "smell snobs" I know, so everything about her always smells good. I can always tell when she's held one of my boys or we've been to her house. It has a 'Kate Britton' smell, and since she's one of my dearest friends, that's a good thing. :) I'll let her tell some of her 'secrets' to a good smelling house in my comment box.
9. A house freshly cleaned, especially on a cool, spring day when you can combine it with the fresh air smell coming from open windows. I don't come by that smell too often anymore, given I rarely get into deep cleaning with two toddler boys running around. But, recently a very sweet teen in our church came to clean out my refrigerator, and my house smelled like Pine Sol for days. It was wonderful!
10. My roses that used to grow on the side of our house. This summer has not been kind to them, so I haven't had any blooms. It's been so dry, and I don't have time to water them much less spray them for bugs and feed them. BUT, when I had the time, it was a simple pleasure I gave thanks to God for nearly every week when I'd go outside and cut some fresh roses to bring into the house. Their smell simply could not be compared to anything one could buy from the florist or Bath and Body Works.
I have to agree that a house freshly cleaned is one of my favorite smells too. I forgot about it, but every Saturday when I finish cleaning I think, "hmmm, it smells so good and fresh."
If Kate can give away good house smelling secrets, please give it. My house is old and still smells musty sometimes, despite spraying Oust.
I also love Josh's deodorant! It's funny that you mentioned liking Lawrence's. Josh used to have a job where he physically worked hard all day and still came home smelling good. I mostly sit at a desk and come smelling . . . well, not as fresh. Can't figure that one out. I suppose that was more than anyone needed to know, ha ha!
Bri, thanks for taking me up on this tag. The scent of a certain perfume (don't know its name) scan take me back instantly to my 3rd grade library. Mrs. Fountain the librarian wore it.
As for my hubby's deod, yes I like that, too. He wears it daily, of course, but like Lawrence, hardly ever has BO, even after a workout. Thankfully he passed that on to our sons. I almost posted something about "Ladies of preteen and teens--boys especially-- please make them shower. Twice daily if needed. When they stink it's really, really gross, and they will get a reputation for it, and the rest of us are wondering if you're immune to it."
Anyway, I agree about Dunkins. I like the way coffee "sticks" to clothing at 7Eleven, even if Paul has just stopped in for a Big Gulp!
I also wanna hear Kate's Good House Smell Secrets.
Ok Bri..you are way too kind! My husband actually calls me a smell snob too. Maybe because the poor guy has to brush his teeth before he even gets a "welcome home" kiss. I may be exaggerating slightly, but it truly isn't too far from home for me. Just ask him!
As for any secrets for a good smelling house, I'll have to put my thinking cap on and make a list. Like you all, the way you tend to your home becomes instinctive and you dont often think about all the little things you do. Now that I have officially entered the blog world, I'll try to post something about "good house smelling tips". You can check it out at: considerthelilies.wordpress.com
(Danielle, I definitely need your help with importing pics and things!)
As for the boys smelling like me...I can only think it's my perfume. I wear "Beautiful" by Estee Lauder. It's strong but has been my favorite for years.
hi bri! i miss you, my friend. how are you feeling with baby?
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