Friday, January 27, 2006

God's Grace at Work

The boys have officially hit toddlerhood, and the discipline has indeed increased. But, so has their learning. It seems everyday, there is something new coming out of their mouths or some new physical accomplishment to show Papi (Lawrence) at the end of our day. Sometimes, like this week, there are bumps and scrapes, too.

Judah had such a week. He fell off our front stoop onto the cement sidewalk below. Blood spewed from several spots on his face. This was my first real trauma with the boys involving blood. Judah's mouth has bled many times already, but nothing like what happened on this occasion. My neighbor was outside with us and kindly picked up Tucker to put him inside so that I could take care of Judah.

Amazingly, I didn't freak out. I wanted to. In fact, I can distinctly remember thinking thoughts like, "ok, now I'm going to start to cry." But, the tears never came. I never panicked. I was panicking inside, but it did not show outwardly. So much was my calm response that Tucker never cried, even while Judah was screaming his little head off.

I quickly but calmly strapped both boys into their feeding chairs, picked up the phone while trying to blot the blood rolling down Judah's face and called my friend, Heather, who is a God send to the Almengor's, a friend who sticks closer than a brother, even literally as she lives in our court. I think she was at my front door before I hung up the phone. :)

All this to say that daily I am amazed by this truth I see at work in my mothering: God's grace is sufficient for me in my weakness. Not only in this instance, but others like when the boys disobey me simultaneously for the 4th time in a row and I would rather sit and cry, throw my hands up in the air and quit, but I discipline them instead. Or when I apply Judah's numbing cream and hold him down for his laser treatments while singing a song in his ear. Or when I don't loose my temper or become faithless when Tucker screams at me and turns his back to me because I don't give him his milk that is still heating up in the microwave.

These are moments that I am so aware I am not operating in the flesh, that there is a power at work in me that is outside myself, beyond my abilities for certain. How do I know this? Because I am not given to a calm disposition. I am not naturally mild mannered. I am not prone to have great faith in the midst of great odds. And, there are other moments in my life and even my mothering when that is strikingly obvious.

But, I thank God that He gives me these glimpses of His power that IS at work in me, about the process of finishing that good work He's begun in me. It's too often, most of my day in fact, that I mull over and become weighed down by the guilt of my own sin and by how many ways I am not measuring up to God's standard. But, for this moment and I pray this will become increasingly so of my meditations and the words of my mouth, I am giving glory to God and praising Him for truly making ALL things possible...even in me.

What are ways that God's grace has been at work in your life lately?


At 10:10 AM, Blogger Zoanna said...

Love these daily testimonies, Bri. It is scary to see those bloody head wounds. Get used to them with boys, though. I don't say that to discourage you, but to reinforce that I think God gives mothers of boys a special grace at the sight of blood. When people lost his balance in a tree and landed on his feet on top of a piece of plywood, the plywood snapped and ripped into his upper leg with a jagged edge. I was not there. When I did arrive, his flesh was hanging open. I wasn't as concerned about the blood as the bugs. I never freaked. I ran help, but I stayed calm on the outside. In fact, I was at peace internally, too. And I even watched the surgeon as he put 27 stitches into my boy's leg.

Grace lately....? That would be getting 2 hours of sleep 2 nights ago, and the next day getting up and not crying, pitying myself, getting irritable, nor getting sick myself. Thanks for asking.

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Zoanna said...

I didn't mean when "people". I meant when "Ben." Where did that "people" come from????

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Wow, that's a scary episode! But it's wonderful to hear how God's working through your life. I guess for me, I have a hard time dealing with some of my co-workers. I think my "outside" response is often kind to those people I struggle with, but my "inside" response is to not genuinely care for them. I've been asking the Lord to grant me a true caring attitude towards those I work with. Many of my co-workers are very isolated, lonely, have strong personalities. I think I have grown in this area and hope the Lord will continue to give me compassion for them. I know He cares for them!

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

Ooops! I was registered as Josh! I actually posted that!!! (Josh just today got an account. He doesn't want to start a blog but reply to a couple things he reads.)


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